Production Autosys job is showing 1 hour difference in next start time
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Production Autosys job is showing 1 hour difference in next start time


Article ID: 228098


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Autosys Workload Automation


Due to an issue in the configuration of DST in the operating system the jobs were showing with 1 hour delay. Manually changed the timezone from MST to Arizona. Now the scheduler logs are showing the correct time but the next start time of the jobs still show with 1 hour delay


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Due to an issue in the configuration of DST the jobs were showing 1 hour delay. Manually changed the timezone from MST to Arizona. Now the scheduler logs are showing correct time but the next start time of the jobs still show with 1 hour delay

Restarted the autosys scheduler but that does not recalculate the next start time

Explained that the next start time is recalculated only when the job completes or when it is updated.


Took a backup of all the job defintions

Ran a update_job   on all those jobs (no real update needed,  just update_job:  jobname    for all jobs)


The next start time of all the jobs was calculated correctly.