See Attached DMS script clean_sd_tmp.dms
An Asset Job of type script could be created for it :
1- In DSM GUI go under Jobs/Asset Jobs/My Asset Job
Right click on it and select New...
2- In Job type put Script :
3- Give a name to the job job (ex: Clean SD TEMP)
Click on Next Button.
4- In text field, Copy/Paste the content of file clean_sd_tmp.dms
Click on Next
5- Click on "Set Scheduling".
You could for example choose "Run only once a week" in Conditions tab
In Miscellaneous tab, check "This job is allowed to run unattended".
Click Finish to terminate the job creation.
6- Do a copy/Paste of the job onto the machines or group of machines which should execute this script.
Remarks :
- This script is working only on Agents. Not on Domains or Scalability Servers
The script is checking this and exits if computer has Scalability server or Domain role.
- This script generates a log C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\logs\clean_sd_tmp.log