MySQL upgrade: nonfatal error "v6_* functions will be unavailable for GlobalSync"
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MySQL upgrade: nonfatal error "v6_* functions will be unavailable for GlobalSync"


Article ID: 227968


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


The following error can be seen within the installation logs after the install reported a non-fatal error:

ERROR -     class NonfatalInstallException Error loading UDF plugin.  v6_* functions will be unavailable for GlobalSync, etc!!!


All supported releases


During the upgrade we remove some SQL functions and then replace them.

This is to insert any updates functions.

MySQL was not online when the commands for the deletion and reimport of the functions was run, so they failed.


In a fresh installation, likely, the functions did not get installed at all which will make the database not function properly. 

In the below case, this was due to the MySQL database not starting fast enough so the reinstall of the functions did not happen. 

NOTE - As this was an upgrade and the functions already existed, all was well, but if this was an initial install, it would not function.

1. During the upgrade MySQL is stopped but in this case it did not come down gracefully:

Oct 28 20:10:06 hostname mysql.server[21281]: Shutting down MySQL.... SUCCESS!
Oct 28 20:11:39 hostname systemd[1]: mysql.service start operation timed out. Terminating.
Oct 28 20:11:39 hostname  mysql.server[21374]: Starting MySQL...............................................................
Oct 28 20:13:09 hostname  systemd[1]: mysql.service stop-final-sigterm timed out. Killing.

2. We then started MySQL back up and it was slow to come back online but eventually did.  During this time the function reimport failed due to no MySQL connectivity:

Deleting UDF functions... Exit Code: 1  Err: [mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/opt/CA/MySql/data/mysql.sock' (2)

Installing UDF functions... Exit Code: 1  Err: [mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 1125 (HY000) at line 3: Function 'v6_type' already exists

3. Just after this MySQL was online and fully operational and the remainder of the upgrade went off without a hitch.  In this example, the upgrade attempt was to 21.2.4 and you can see here

| NetOPsVersion | Version    | InstallDate         | DbSchemaVersion | BuildDate                    | BuildNumber | Description |
| 21.2.4        | | 2021-10-28 20:25:12 |        | 758                          |         277 | CAPC        |

The steps for the functions are a process of removing the ones that are there and reloading them. 

If this was a fresh install, there would be no functions

NOTE - because this was an upgrade, the functions were already present, and since no changes were made in the current version, this error can be ignored on UPGRADES ONLY.