Handling RC 75(042) on Datacom 1000 ALTER transaction
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Handling RC 75(042) on Datacom 1000 ALTER transaction


Article ID: 227959


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/AD Datacom/DB


I have started to execute some DDUPATE to activate DYNAMIC EXTEND and am receiving many RC 75 (042) CXX CONTENTS ERRORs while doing it. 

How can I see the errors or mismatches and how can I bypass them?


Component : DATACOM/DB

Component : Datacom/AD


First, here is the meaning of RC 75(042):

The BASE/AREA being updated using the Datacom Datadictionary batch 1000 transaction violated a rule, not including matching identification with the CXX. The error is a violation of one of the following restrictions:

  • For a database, CA Datacom(R) STAR replication is being changed.
  • For a database, CA Datacom(R) STAR partitioning is being changed.
  • For a database, SQL security is being changed.
  • Currently, the database is less than FORMAT 2.
  • The data area being altered is not in URI format.       

When trying to change the attributes of a data area, if the area is not in URI format (seen on a CXX report with (UNIQUE ROW IDENTIFIERS (URI) - NONE), you will not be able to make the change using the 1000 ALTER method. In this case, you can either unload the data and then reload it using the DBUTLTY LOAD command with URI=YES, or you can make the change manually by creating a Test version of the database/area, changing the attributes (or adding new ones like dynamic extend attributes), copy the Test version to Prod, catalog it to the CXX and enable it. 

Additional Information

We recommend that URI be used as the default processing for data areas, and would encourage customers to change areas that are not in this format.

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.