On logging into PAM a error message is displayed as such "Session can't be established due to a problem with session recording" (shown in red border). Also, the error " PAM-CMN-3134: Primary network storage for session recording is down (shown in yellow border)
Release : 4.1
Component :
Session Recordng storage is not "Mount"ed and/or "unavailable".
Step #1. Checked the Sessionrecording mount status and availability by navigating to the screen below (via Configuration==>Logs===>Session Recording). Note that the storage was "Mounted" but "unavailable".
Step #2. Make the Mount Status available by clicking on "Unmount" and then clicking on "Mount" followed by clicking on "Refresh". The storage should then be shown as "available".
Step #3. Test to see if the issue was resolved by logging out and logging back in =====> The error in question message should not pop up any more
Step #4. We also tested if the error message would pop up after after a RDP attempt. ========> The error in question message should not pop up any more