Configure procedure of Patch Me Security IntelliRollup is failing with error
"Job execution error, rollup configure job failed [SDM228519]"
In TRC_USD_SDAGENT*.log following lines appear :
021121-07:42:56.2577218L|SDAgent|sdjecontainerif.cpp |001232|NOTIFY | Running SD job 1: UPM - CA - Patch Me - Security IntelliRollup v2110.00 - {04e5eb93-191f-4430-b538-1388add283cb} Silent Configure 1.0
021121-07:42:58.0900147L|SDAgent |sdjecontainerif.cpp |001408|NOTIFY | SDjob 1 returns: 35 ExitCode: 2
021121-07:42:58.0900360L|SDAgent |sdjecontainerif.cpp |002727|NOTIFY | Execution not OK
Client Automation - All Versions.
021121-07:35:08.4522792L|SDAgent|sdjecontainerif.cpp |001232|NOTIFY|Running SD job 2: UPM - 2021-10 Net Framework 4.8 - Win10-Server-KB5005539-x64-2004-21H1 - {f19d8a6c-3c0c-4e2a-a305-55cd36823c43} Silent Install 1.0
021121-07:35:52.0873246L|SDAgent|sdjecontainerif.cpp |001315|NOTIFY|Procedure requests reboot after all jobs
021121-07:35:52.0917685L|SDAgent|sdjecontainerif.cpp |001408|NOTIFY|SDjob 2 returns: 0 ExitCode: 0
021121-07:35:54.6111330L|SDAgent|sdjecontainerif.cpp |003523|NOTIFY|Reboot after last job
230222-13:39:42.5924809L|004424|00001144|SDAgent | |sdjecontainerif.cpp |003523|NOTIFY | Reboot after last job
230222-13:39:45.6125819L|004408|00001158|CAF_SERVIC|caf |caf |000000|NOTIFY | CFRebooter::run: reboot requested session: 0 user: allowcancel: 0 force: 0 cancel: 0 allusers: 1 timeout: 1800 defertime: 1800 ndeferals: 10
230222-13:39:45.6128663L|004408|00000eec|CAF_SERVIC|caf |caf |000000|NOTIFY | CFRebooter::doit: reboot NOW
230222-13:40:48.5144426L|004408|0000113c|CAF_SERVIC|caf |caf |000000|NOTIFY | cfWindowsCtrlHandlerEx: SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: windows is shutting down
230222-13:40:48.5225468L|004408|0000113c|CAF_SERVIC|caf |caf |000000|NOTIFY | cfWindowsCtrlHandlerEx: SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: stopping caf service
During this minute, caf has received a SD Trigger and start the sdagent :
230222-13:40:02.6973664L|004408|00001158|CAF_SERVIC|caf |caf |000000|NOTIFY | CFPlugins::startOnePlugin: starting plugin: Software Delivery agent (sdagent): args: "UNIT=."
SD agent starts the job "UPM - CA - Patch Me - Security IntelliRollup v2202.00 - {92f92501-3502-490c-9781-49ae6622f84f} Silent Configure 1.0"
230222-13:40:53.0196561L|002192|00001d80|SDAgent | |sdjecontainerif.cpp |001232|NOTIFY | Running SD job 1: UPM - CA - Patch Me - Security IntelliRollup v2202.00 - {92f92501-3502-490c-9781-49ae6622f84f} Silent Configure 1.0
But as computer is in a shutdown process, communication with Scalability Server is no more possible and execution of job fails with error 35 ExitCode 2
230222-13:40:53.0196561L|002192|00001d80|SDAgent | |sdjecontainerif.cpp |001232|NOTIFY | Running SD job 1: UPM - CA - Patch Me - Security IntelliRollup v2202.00 - {92f92501-3502-490c-9781-49ae6622f84f} Silent Configure 1.0
230222-13:40:57.3419470L|002192|00001c7c|SDAgent |CFSMCAPI |CFSMCAPI |000000|NOTIFY | SMEVENT : MSG Conn Retry. Asked messenger to delay restart.
230222-13:40:57.3420550L|002192|00001d80|SDAgent |CFSMCAPI |CFSMCAPI |000000|ERROR | SmiSession::sendMessageExec : Failed to send message. RC = 00033202 Reason = 1
230222-13:40:57.3428141L|002192|00001d80|SDAgent |SDAgent |sdsmmsg.cpp |000382|ERROR | SmMessage::send failed: Rc:00033202, Error:SME_SPI_APPERROR, Desc:Der Remote-Server ist beschäftigt und derzeit nicht verfügbar.
230222-13:40:57.3428390L|002192|00001d80|SDAgent |SDAgent |camif.cpp |000286|ERROR | Failed to send to scalaname:SD_AG_REQUEST [0h]
230222-13:40:57.3428765L|002192|00001d80|SDAgent | |sdjecontainerif.cpp |004045|ERROR | Error in SetJobStatus (Reporting start execution)
230222-13:40:57.3442126L|002192|00001d80|SDAgent | |sdjesdprocedureexecu|000533|NOTIFY | SDJESDProcedureExecutorIf::Execute executing DMSCRIPT.EXE 92f92501-3502-490c-9781-49ae6622f84f-1.dms c:\PROGRA~2\CA\DSM\Agent\units\00000001\usd\sdjexec\DE604264-6C3E-42CD-BC8D-9E5DF911C42F.res configure
230222-13:40:57.3580189L|002192|00001d80|SDAgent | |sdjecontainerif.cpp |001408|NOTIFY | SDjob 1 returns: 35 ExitCode: 2
Change the following settings in configuration policy applied on the agent to force the closure of application in case of a reboot initiated by SD Agent :
DSM/Software Delivery/Agent/ForcedReboot = True
Unseal Configuration Policy Applied on the agent and go under DSM/Software Delivery/Agent
Change the value for Reboot: Forced reboot from False to True
With this settings, the reboot should be made much more quickly and this will avoid execution of new SD Agent during shutdown process.