UIM nas options for creating a new alarm when the original alarm is received
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UIM nas options for creating a new alarm when the original alarm is received


Article ID: 227857


Updated On: 09-23-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


What are the options to change a default, out-of-the-box original alarm message to a new alarm message?


Release : 20.3,ANY

Component : UIM NAS


- nas 9.31_HF1 or higher


This article describes a few options for creating a new alarm, e.g., replacing a default/hard-coded probe alarm with a new alarm of your choice.


1. The simplest approach to consider would be this (if it meets your essential requirements):

When the alarm is generated and received by the hub message bus, you could use a nas Auto Operator (AO) filter on it using a message filter, e.g., regex such as /.*<message_string>.*/ and use an nas AO profile Action type of "new_alarm"

Composes and sends a new alarm message onto the UIM bus. The message field accepts expansion. The alarm may contain the following optional elements in addition to a message body and severity level:

- Subsystem ID
- Source
- Suppression ID

To clean up the nas of the original message, another nas AO profile can be set to look for the original message using one or more filters in your nas AO profile and close it automatically after being open for x number of minutes (On overdue age), to avoid leftover alarm "clutter" in the alarm console.

2. Create new alarm using a Lua script
Alarm creation using Lua script

3. Use alarm_enrichment to overwrite a message