Symantec Intelligence Services license expired
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Symantec Intelligence Services license expired


Article ID: 227854


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Security Analytics


When logging in to Security Analytics, the Symantec Intelligence Services license subscription may be expired (or about to expire.  The license will need to be renewed.

What happens when the Intelligence Services license does expire?  How does that affect the operation of Security Analytics? 


Any version of Security Analytics with an Intelligence Services subscription.


If the subscription has expired, any results produced by the Intelligence Services providers will not be available.  This includes Intelligence Threat reports or any results and workflows produced by Rules. Rules are disabled and will need to be enabled again once the license is renewed.

These can be found under the "Threat Intel" category on the reports page.  

All other reports will continue to function without any disruption of service.  If the appliance has any active rules using the File Reputation Service and Web Reputation Service providers, they should be disabled until the subscription is renewed. 

Under the old licensing methods, if the subscription has been renewed, resubmitting the 16-digit license key in the License Details dialog will update the expiration date after the appliance reboots.  If the new expiration date is not taking effect, contact technical support for assistance.

Under the new licensing method using Broadcom (BCL) licensing, once the license is purchased it will be Auto Updated periodically and the Providers and Rules can be activated. If you want to update the license more quickly, it can be updated manually by selecting About -> License Details and selecting Auto Update.