z/OSMF rest FILES API fails with Top Secret
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z/OSMF rest FILES API fails with Top Secret


Article ID: 227779


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Top Secret


z/OSMF rest API FILES returns 

    "rc": 16,

    "reason": 1141,

    "category": 2,

    "message": "login: Message queue is not available: CEA TSO/E address space cannot be started or the TSO/E session log in failed. For possible causes, see the description of reason code 1141 in z/OSMF Programming Guide. TsoServerConnection(USER=USERABCD, ASID=0x005d, QID=0x00070005), QID=0x00070005"


Error from msgsnd(), msgrcv(), or a related message queue service. The UNIX errno is the reason code.

For reason code 1141, the following causes are possible:

  • The TSO/E logon PROC is not correct. Ensure that the information specified on the RESTAPI_FILE statement in the IZUPRMxx parmlib member is correct.
  • The user ID does not have a TSO segment in the RACF® user profile.
  • TSO/E logon exit is active and is preventing the user ID from logging on.



Release : 16.0

Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS


SECTRACE and OMVSTRACE Security traces do not show any security failures.

Problem was caused by a network issue. A port was configured incorrectly. This is not a Top Secret problem.