For the last 3 days we have had complaints that users are unable to login to WCC and I have to restart services which seems to clear up the issue.
Release : 12.0
If you are seeing OutOfMemory messages on our WCC see the section "Adjust Memory for Services"
If you are still seeing outofmemory errors in the main wcc logs enable the following configuration options in the
<tomcat>/conf/wrapper.conf (and restart tomcat service to make them effective) and once replicated contact support. (This line to be uncommented. Please be cautious about this number, we need to increment it, if it is already being used in existing wrapper.conf file)<$CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION>/wcc/log/ (To add this line. The <$CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION> to be replaced appropriate to their WCC installation location)
With the above configurations in place and once tomcat service is restarted, when OutOfMemoryError occurs, java will create heap-dumps in the above mentioned location with *.hprof extension.