DX Platform - Online installer credentials for 21.3.x releases
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DX Platform - Online installer credentials for 21.3.x releases


Article ID: 227674


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How can we get the online installer credentials for Dx Platform 21.3.x releases? According to the 21.3.1 documentation:

  • Online and Offline Installation: You can install the DX Platform using one of the following methods depending on your accessibility to the Internet:
    - Online Installation: Use the Online Installation method when the installing host has the access to the Internet. You can download the installer distribution file for the online installation from the Support site. The installer connects to the public registry using the access token and downloads the latest product images. Contact the Broadcom Support for the online installation credentials.





DX Platform 21.3.x


Beginning with 21.3.1 GA release, customers will be able to use their IDs along with a self-generated token from the Support site to retrieve the images.


In order to get the self-generated token, please follow below steps:

1. Open the browser and navigate to https://support.broadcom.com/ 
2. Click on Enterprise Software


3. Click on Product Downloads


4. Search your product, eg: APM


5. Search by DX Application Performance Management


6. Select the Release, Service Level and then click on the "Key" icon to generate the token


7. The token should have been generated and displayed at this point:



If you have issues getting the token please contact Broadcom Support.

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