Task view error: "The selected view uses attributes that are unavailable" when using a view with a picklist
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Task view error: "The selected view uses attributes that are unavailable" when using a view with a picklist


Article ID: 227658


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When you choose a “Saved View” (saved on a different project than the one you are accessing), and this view uses a picklist for the columns on the Board or Timeline View, you will see the error message: “The selected view uses attributes that are unavailable” and the columns of the Board View will switch to use the Task Status field. This may be reported as an issue when another user tries to use a view you have created, but this is due to the same cause if that other user is trying to use your view on a different project. 


  1. Log in to the Modern User Experience (UX) with project management rights
  2. Navigate to a project (project a) and go to the Task Board
  3. Create a new picklist with a couple of choices
  4. From the Board View Options drop-down, select the picklist for Columns
  5. From the View drop-down, click Save As.
  6. Give the view a new name (i.e. “picklist view”), and check the check box next to “Share with everyone”
  7. Navigate to a different project (project b) and go to the Task Board of that project
  8. From the View drop-down, select the view created in step 6

Expected Results: You are taken to the new view and no error is received

Actual Results: You receive the error “The selected view uses attributes that are unavailable” and the columns switch to using Status instead of the custom picklist.

Additionally, if you add the custom picklist to the details flyout configuration, and save that to a view, when you try to access that view on another project, you receive the same error (in 15.9.3).


Release : All Supported



This was reviewed as DE63135 and determined to be working as expected. Task picklists are not shared across different projects or Custom Investments (CITs). So, if you try to use the view on a different project, you will see the error mentioned, and the view columns will then default to the Status field since that picklist isn't available in other projects. 


When creating / saving a view that has a local picklist, name the view with the specific project name (or ID of the project). This is a best practice to help in determining which view belongs to which project.