ITPAM Processes not being archived.
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ITPAM Processes not being archived.


Article ID: 227637


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CA Process Automation Base


We found that PAM Database is increasing - a result of processes not being archived. We tried changing the policy - in case it was a configuration issue. We also restarted the ITPAM service and the server, processes are still not being archived. We can successfully archive (and purge) processes manually. 



Release : 4.3

Component : Process Automation



This specific problem was related to a massive number of processes suddenly creating a bottleneck. This can be validated by using the queries below. Key conditions to validate whether this specific KB applies to your situation:

  • SQL Select query: select count(*),CONTAINER from Node0ACTIVEMQ_MSGS group by CONTAINER
    Condition: EngineMgmtQueue had a large number of records
    Note: The number of DLQ records can usually be ignored. 
  • SQL Select query: select count(*), runstate FROM dbo.c2oruntimeobjects where discriminatorType='WorkFlow' GROUP BY runstate;
    Condition: This query shows many records. Many records in this table is not normal. It is normal for this to be limited to a small number of records. The natural lifecycle of a process is for it to be moved from this table, when the process completes, to the c2oruntimeobjectsarch table. 


It is critical that no manual changes are made to the database. These queries are informational queries only to help isolate problem/cause. Updating the DB directly can result in corrupting the database. 



If you identify a bottleneck in the EngineMgmtQueue (EngineMgmtQueue only) then you can use the following steps to increase the number of threads (default 1) to help process the bottleneck in the EngineMgmtQueue:

  • Add a "Common Properties" property named: noOfRollupConsumers; value: 5. This increases the number of threads used/responsible for processing the EngineMgmtQueue.
  • Stop/Start ITPAM service.
  • Evaluate if additional action is necessary. 
    Note: It may take time for the bottleneck to be resolved. Ideally, the number of records should not increase over a 24-48 hr period. If it is then please contact technical support.