You are trying to install the CEM (Cloud-Enabled Management) version of Altiris to Macs remotely. The install package was created from Composer and is using the .sh command.
Normally during the installation of the CEM version, the user is prompted for a password. You would like to know if you can enter that password somewhere in the so that the user is not prompted to enter the password.
Right at the beginning of the .sh file he sees #used variables, decPassword="".
Can I enter the password between the quotes? Can this be done at all?
ITMS 8.6
You should run the following switch:
./cem_package -pwd 'password'
Single quotes are a must. The empty value of decPassword in the script should not be changed.
sudo sh /private/var/tmp/Cloud-enabled\ Agent\ Installation\ Package/Resources/ -pwd 'Password'
With recent versions (post-ITMS 8.6 Release), you can create an CEM Installation package for MAC systems:
Generating and Installing the Cloud-Enabled Management Offline Package (