Since the upgrade to SOI 4.2 CU2, it is no longer possible to invoke the SOI OneClick console directly without logging in to the SOI Admin dashboard.
The error message "An unexpected error occurred accessing <SOI server>: ." occurred as a pop-up
The related URL is
http://<SOI UI server>/sam/oneclick.jnlp
Within the java console, the following output:
Warning: Unexpected attribute "info" for element "ruleset" found when processing the Deployment Rule Set.
Missing Application-Name manifest attribute for: https://<SOI server>/sam/lib/jsafeJCEFIPS-5.0.jar
Log capture DISABLED
Release : 4.2
Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Console
The problem relates to use of form-based authentication feature.
A fix has been created and will be delivered in 4.2 CU3