Task Timeline Second Column always show hierarchy
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Task Timeline Second Column always show hierarchy


Article ID: 227488


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In the modern ux for Task Timeline view If you change the order of columns i.e from NAME to the second position  to Start is on the second position and refresh the page, the hierarchy functionality is kept on the second column and ideally hierarchy should be shown on the Name column only irrespective of position.


  1. Login to clarity in the modern ux
  2. Navigate to Projects --> Task
  3. In the Task Timeline view drag Start or any column to second position
  4. Refresh the page or navigate to any other tab and come back to same task timeline

Expected Results: The hierarchy should be shown only on column NAME column and not to any other column 

Actual Results: The hierarchy is shown on any column which is placed at second position and not on Name



All supported releases


This was reported as defect DE63091 however after review this is considered as working as design. 


The WBS Numbers are fixed and not configurable, the WBS Arrows will always be in the 2nd column because we don't want to lose the ability to see and use the WBS arrows regardless of the column configured.

For example - If the user chooses not to use the 'Name' field at all in the configuration and uses something else(ID or some custom field), if we tied it to a specific field like Name, then that could be a usability issue.  The user also has the option to remove all columns in the configuration and will be left with the WBS numbers and the gantt bar chart area.

In the Hierarchy Timeline, there is no WBS Column, so the hierarchical arrows will always be in the first column regardless of the field selected, for the same reason.