uniimp fails to import objects into node 5.x with "is unreachable"
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uniimp fails to import objects into node 5.x with "is unreachable"


Article ID: 227482


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


I need to export some objects from version 6.x node to import them into a version 5.x node.

When using the command uniimp, to import a session extracted into an XML using the command uniexp, the command fails with the error:

cd /uvms_folder/app/bin
./uniimp -area AREA -company COMPANYNAME -file /tmp/session.xml -login admin -pwd XXX -mshost UVMS_HOSTNAME -msport 4184 -node v5NODENAME -ses session_name
UniViewer Management Server environment loaded.


[COMPANYNAME][v5NODENAME][AREA] is unreachable.


But the connectivity to the node v5NODENAME area A/I/S/X (ports 10600-10603 by default) works fine which was validated via a telnet command.


Release : 6.x

Component : du_upgrade_toolkit and Univiewer Management Server

Command: uniimp


uniimp command cannot be used to import objects in a node in version 5.x


The command uniimp is not compatible with nodes in version 5.x.

Objects cannot be exported from a version 5.x or 6.x node and imported into a version 5.x node via XML commands "uniexp and uniimp"

Objects from version 6 nodes exported via "uxext" cannot be imported into version 5 nodes neither or viceversa.

Objects for version 5.x nodes need to be created using Motif/Global Console or Univiewer Console in Graphical mode or using the command line for version 5.

It is only possible to export/import or distribute objects from a version 5.x node to another 5.x node using the uxext/uxins or the Graphical methods.

Additional Information

Documentation of the command uniimp will be updated with this restriction