Manually Reset the Splunk Application for Data Collection
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Manually Reset the Splunk Application for Data Collection


Article ID: 227378


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A noticeable lag when it comes to data feed collection. Generate a new cookie for the Email Security Cloud Splunk Application. 


Email Security.Cloud Splunk TA add-on


Instructions to manually reset Splunk App:

  1. Log into your Splunk instance
  2. In the Splunk UI navigate to “Settings > Data > Data inputs”
  3. Under “Local inputs” select “Scripts”
  4. In the “Filter” search box, search for “”
  5. Under the “Status” column of “” click “Disable”
  6. Navigate to the following file location:
    1. Windows: C:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\TA-symantec_email\local\
    2. *nix: $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-symantec_email/local/
  7. Open the file “symantec_email_setup.conf”
  8. Change the following variables:
    1. enable_force_reset parameter = True
    2. force_reset_timestamp = <timestamp> (Note: Enter <timestamp> in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format.)
  9. Go back to the Splunk UI and follow steps 1-4 to re-enable “” by clicking “Enable” under the “Status” column.

Note: With the steps provided, a possibility of duplicate entries can happen especially going beyond the time the feed was functioning properly.