After applied LU02957 with Pre-Req LU00294 and SO16122, SO16143 and SO16145, caused a problem with DB2 security.
As indicated in the HOLD Action for applying these PTF, if reference to ACF3@ATH, need to relink module with new version of ACF3@ATH.
After applied the ACF2 PTFs and IPLed, this caused the following errors:
1) re-link DSN3@ATH before start up DB2 but we got SVC dump in DB2 as follow:
DUMP TITLE=DB2D,ABND=0C4-00000010,
When startws DB2 related tools started tasks, also received dump pointing to the above module DSN3@ATH.
2) If don't re-link the DB2 EXIT, received access violation.
Release : 16.0
Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS
The error was found in DB2 EXIT relink JCL that pointed to the ACF2 DLIB, it did not pick up the latest updated modules.