Endevor processor getting a C1A0010E  ALLOCATION ERROR with RC=970C-4379
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Endevor processor getting a C1A0010E  ALLOCATION ERROR with RC=970C-4379


Article ID: 227357


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When executing an Endevor DELETE processor,  the following error sometimes occurs:

      C1A0010E  ALLOCATION ERROR RC=970C-4379, DDNAME=SYSPRINT                 
      C1A0011E  IKJ56894I DATA SET iprfx.iqual.LIST NOT ALLOCATED+ 


Here is the processor step that is trying to allocate the file:

//LISTMEM1 EXEC PGM=FTP,COND=(4,LT),              
//         PARM='&IP1 (EXIT=8 TIMEOUT 900'  
//SYSPRINT DD  DSN=&JOBLSTF7,                      
//         UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(01,01),RLSE),    
//         DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),                  
//         DCB=(LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=0,RECFM=FB)


Release : All Supported Releases


A  970C-4379  allocation error is a SMS error.  

In an SMS VTOC data set services request involving the data set, one or more volumes were specified, but could not be selected. Then volume selection was reentered until all eligible volumes were tried. SMS may have been unable to select any volumes because:
    • DADSM may not have found enough space
    • The volume might not have been initialized as an SMS volume
    • The dataset you are trying to allocate may already exist and may not be currently cataloged.


Have the system programmer check the logrec data set for additional information and have the storage administrator check the SMS rules.




Additional Information

See  IBM SMS reason code (S99ERSN)