When using NAT'ed IP addresses, Users may have issues connecting accessing the Java Client.
For example, the IP address for a subnet is 192.0.xx.xx and is translated to NAT'ed subnet 198.51.xx.xx.
The actual IP address for the AM master is some form of 192.0.xx.xx.
The workstations are all using 198.51.xx.xx to connect. Pointing the Java client to the 198.51.xx.xx address works but upon connecting, the MASTER\Options.properties file on their workstations updates the workstations with the non NAT'ed 192.0.xx.xx address and fails.
Changing the client Options.properties file manually doesn't work as that file gets overwritten upon attempting to connect.
Release : 9.3
Find the options.properties file on the Master server. This is the file that is downloaded to the client and is located here:
%AW_HOME%\web\classes (Windows)
$AW_HOME/web/classes (Unix)
Change the entry in that file to the NAT'ed IP address of the Master. Now the corrected options.properties file is propagated to the client.