v21: Connection to the AE system not possible error during login
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v21: Connection to the AE system not possible error during login


Article ID: 227260


Updated On: 09-26-2023


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


When trying to connect to the AE with AWI (Tomcat or Jetty), the following error is displayed:

Connection to the AE system not possible.
No connection to the following CPs could be established:


The AWI log displays:

2021-10-26 14:46:28,614 pool-1-thread-5        [DEBUG] NOLOGIN/- 8DFA1A8FE3E75DA94BBC4CDAEE1F95F6-2  +4 [com.uc4.ecc.backends.impl.dataservice.connection.ConnectionService] - Connection to Automation Engine failed at 'awi.example.com:2317'.
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.IOException: Failed to connect to awi.example.com:2317

The JCP log displays:

20211027/090234.464 - 42     U00003406 Client connection '5'  from 'x.x.x.x:45454' has logged on to the Server.
20211027/090234.542 - 42     U00045014 Exception 'java.io.IOException: "Message length is invalid:"' at 'com.automic.network.impl.ConnectionDataImpl.extractSizeFromHeader():137'.
20211027/090234.543 - 42     U00045015 The previous error was caused by 'java.lang.NumberFormatException: "For input string: """' at 'java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString():65'.
20211027/090234.544 - 42     U00003472 Connection to Server '5' has been closed.


Release : 21.0

Component : AWI


In uc4config.xml, AWI is configured to connect to the JCP port (JCP.PORTS) instead of the Web Service Port (WS.PORTS)


Change the uc4config.xml to connect to the WS.PORT:

<connection name="AUTOMIC" system="AUTOMIC">
       <cp ip="awi.example.com" port="8443"/>