Email Security.Cloud - Email Protect Cloud End of Sale
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Email Security.Cloud - Email Protect Cloud End of Sale


Article ID: 227218


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As of 4th November 2021, the Email Protect Cloud service sold as part of the Email Security.Cloud offering will be removed from sale. The legacy Email Protect offering did not provide key features like content filtering policies, image control, TLS enforcement, policy-based encryption or impersonation control needed to tackle today's email threats.

The service was also limiting in that it did not support the option for customers to purchase Advanced Policy-Based Encryption.

After this date, you will be offered a renewal based on Email Security.Cloud Safeguard. Alternatively, you can purchase our complete bundled called Email Security with Threat Detection and Response which provides advanced features like cloud sandboxing and Click-time URL protection, as well as URL isolation.

The purpose of this article is to explain the differences between the services and provide guidelines for the transition.




As of 4th November 2021, the Email Protect Cloud service sold as part of the Email Security.Cloud offering will be removed from sale. The legacy Email Protect offering did not provide key features such as content filtering policies, image control, TLS enforcement, policy-based encryption or impersonation control needed to tackle today's email threats.


Q. What does the end of sale for Email Protect mean? Can I renew or add additional users?

A. End of sales means you will no longer be able to purchase any new subscriptions or renew the Email Protect service. You will only be able to expand capacity (seats) for your existing subscription.


Q. Who does this announcement affect?

A. This announcement affects all existing Email Security.Cloud customers who are currently using the Email Protect Cloud service.


Q. Why is Symantec announcing this license entitlement change?

A. Email Protect Cloud is a legacy service that does not include key features like filtering policies, image controls, enforced TLS, policy-based encryption essentials, or impersonation controls and does not support the ability for customers to add Advanced Policy-Based Encryption.


Q. What is the replacement product or suggested migration path for Email Protect Cloud?

A. The replacement service for Email Protect Cloud is Email Safeguard Cloud which includes the following:

  • Malware and spam protection
  • Phishing controls (real-time link following)
  • Behavior analysis
  • Impersonation control
  • Data protection
  • Policy-Based encryption essentials
  • Enforced TLS encryption
  • Image control

Alternatively, we also support a bundled offering that includes both Email Safeguard Cloud and Email Threat Detection and Response with Isolation.


Q. My current entitlement for Email Protect Cloud doesn't expire for another 18 months. Can I continue using Email Protect Cloud?

A. Yes. The existing Email Protect Cloud entitlements will continue to be supported throughout their existing contract. The Email Protect Cloud product change notification is specific to the end of sale for all new and renewal opportunities.