Need to pull a list of users from CA EEM
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Need to pull a list of users from CA EEM


Article ID: 227197


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


Require information on how to obtain a list of users from CA EEM


Release :

Component :


Is your EEM configured to use an external ldap for its user store or is it using the internal user store?

If it is external then your EEM does not have any locally defined users.
It points to your LDAP which holds the list of the users/groups.
There is no EEM export option to generate the user/group list for you in that situation.
You can only view the results of a search/list all users from the EEM UI if you do a search 
under the manage identities tab for all users (User Name like *).
That information is not exportable.

If EEM is configured for internal store, then you are not pointing to an LDAP and you
are manually creating users in EEM.  If that is the case you can use the export option
to export all the users to a file.
EEM -> Configure -> EEM Server -> Export Application -> 
 select global users 