Cloud Workload protection for Storage on AWS triggers alarm status
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Cloud Workload protection for Storage on AWS triggers alarm status


Article ID: 227196


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Cloud Workload Protection for Storage


In the Amazon Web Service (AWS) CloudWatch Alarms interface there is an Alarm called CWP-For-Storage-Step-Alarm that is in a triggered status at all times. 
The condition for this alarm status is "CWPForStorage.SPE-S3-RabbitMQQueueSize-Metric <= X for 4 datapoints within 4 minutes".


This is expected. This Alarm is used to scale the AutoScaling group back to the baseline "Desired instances" setting when the queue size is below the configured value. This does not indicate a problem, and should not be removed or changed. If this Alarm is removed, the auto-scaling group will never scale back down after spikes in activity that trigger a scale up.