Using Endevor Bridge for Git CLI to create mapping and run into the following error:
zowe endevor-bridge-for-git mapping create --remote-url --endevor-instance ENDEVOR --endevor-environment XXXX --endevor-system XXXX --endevor-subsystem XXXX -t xxxxxxxx --endevor-profile XXXXX
Command Error:
Rest API failure with HTTP(S) status 404
Error Details:
HTTP(S) error status "404" received.
Review request details (resource, base path, credentials, payload) and ensure correctness.
Port: 8181
Base Path: rest/xxxx/vx
Resource: git/repository/verify
Request: PUT
Headers: [{"Content-Type":"application/json"}]
Payload: {
mirrorRepoUrl: ''
Release : 18.1
Component : BRIDGE FOR GIT
endevor-for-zowe-cli plugin 5.7.3
endevor-bridge-for-git-for-zowe-cli plugin 1.2.0
Ensure that profiles are set up correctly for the respective types:
Endevor Bridge for Git profile:
Endevor profile:
For the command itself, ensure that parameters not specified in the Endevor profile are covered, included stage number (--endevorsn).
zowe endevor-bridge-for-git mapping create --remote-url --endevor-instance ENDEVOR --endevor-environment xxxx --endevor-system xx --endevor-subsystem xxx --endevorsn 1 --read-only --endevor-profile Xxxxxx