IT Analytics reports don't render in browser
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IT Analytics reports don't render in browser


Article ID: 227102


Updated On: 07-16-2024


IT Analytics


IT Analytics reports don't render when accessed from a client workstation but are accessible when accessed on the server hosting SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).


Release : All

Component : SQL Server Reporting Services


If SSRS is configured to use HTTP rather than HTTPS, reports are delivered as insecure content to browsers.


NOTE: If SSRS is configured to use HTTPS/SSL in your environment and you still receive a warning that "Only secure content is displayed" when accessing reports, refer to the following Microsoft KB article:

KB3208484 - "Only secure content is displayed" warning when you open a SQL Server 2016 SP1 Reporting Services report or web portal

All modern browsers and Internet Explorer can be configured to display insecure content, but the method by which this is enabled differs by browser. Contact your browser provider for assistance.