How to trigger an alert when the number of TCP connections to a particular port exceeds a certain number.
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How to trigger an alert when the number of TCP connections to a particular port exceeds a certain number.


Article ID: 227057


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NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Automation SOLVE:Operations Automation


Request an SVC Dump be taken when TCP connections to a particular port exceed a certain threshold. 

For example when more than 50 Established TCP connections are made to Port xxx, trigger a Slip Trap to produce an SVC Dump.  Note the port is in use by only one application and is a server port in Listening mode.  TCP connections can be in established, timewait or finwait states.


Release : 12.2

Component : CA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP


Created NCL code that listens for connection start events and uses a call to EZBNMIFR to determine if the current active connection count is over the threshold. It relies on a /IPAPPLS definition that would deliver the SMF connection start events to NetMaster. (Deliver Records = INIT or BOTH).  

The procedure would be tailored for the port and jobname of interest and the threshold. The action taken in the sample is to issue a system display time command. This would be replaced with the SLIP command.  

See attached CON# file. 

Details of NCL Sample:

-* Sample connection count monitor                                              
-* /IPAPPLS required to have Deliver Records set to INIT or BOTH                
-* for connections using the port specified                                     
&jobname = NMCS81   -* Filter connection events for this job                    
&monport = 8011                                                                 
&threshold = 4                                                                  
&conactive = 0 -* wait til first connection event                               
&intcmd PROFILE EDS ENABLE=CONN TYPE=APPLICATION +                              
        NAME=$IP.CONNECT.START RESOURCE=&jobname                                
&intread set                                                                    
&DOWHILE  &conactive < &threshold                                               
  &intread type=any mdo=conn.                                                   
  &assign vars=cn@* generic from mdo=conn.                                      
  &IF &cn@lclport = &monport &then +                                            
     &call proc=$IPCALL +                                                       
           SHARE=($IPDATA.) +                                                   
     -* connection.{1}.jobname ................. NMCS81                         
     -* connection.{1}.connId .................. 0039F5CA                       
     -* connection.{1}.lclHost ................. *                              
     -* connection.{1}.lclPort ................. 8011                           
     -* connection.{1}.active .................. 4                              
     -* connection.{1}.accept .................. 9                              
     -* connection.{1}.backlog ................. 0                              
     -* connection.{1}.blmax ................... 20                             
     -* connection.{1}.blExceed ................ 0                              
     -* connection.{1}.idle .................... 0:00:00                        
     -* Assume not shared port and only one listener                            
     &IF &retcode eq 0 &THEN +                                                  
        &Assign vars=conactive from mdo=$ipdata.connection.{1}.active           
&write data=CON# &conactive gt &threshold !!!                                   
&intcmd SYSCMD D T                                                              
&INTREAD STRING &MSG                                                            
&write data=CON# &MSG                                                           
&INTREAD STRING &MSG                                                            
&write data=CON# &MSG                                                           
&write data=CON# Mission accomplished                                           


1635312165529__CON#.txt get_app