When you go to Options -> Settings on your client and choose the "Use Database Settings" from the General Tab, can those settings to be applicable for all global users?
Release : 9.3
Component :CA Automic Applications Manager
As documented in our documentation link below,
When you go to Options -> Settings on your client, You can edit and save general, toolbar, and alert desktop settings. These settings apply only to your workstation while you are logged in to an Applications Manager session. Each user will have to apply these settings to their session using their client.
So no, you cannot apply these settings globally to all users by default by checking that box for your workstation. It will only apply to your workstation.
Please log an enhancement / Idea via our Ideation at community.broadcom.com.
Attached KB explains how to check database and AM timezones and match: https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?articleId=89867
- Verify the current time of the database by logging into the Applications Manager database and issuing:
select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY MM DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
- Next verify the Master machine's time by running the following command:
- If this matches the database time, then check to see if the Master and the Applications Manager's Oracle database are in the same timezone by logging into SQL Plus as the Applications Manager's user and run the following SQL:
select sop.so_oper_name, ats.aw_tz_name, ats.aw_gmt_diff from so_operators sop, aw_timezone_list ats where sop.so_time_zone=ats.aw_tz_seq;
- Also run the following command to get the Master's timezone information from the aw_master_config table:
select item, value from aw_master_config where item='MASTER_TIMEZONE';
This is also covered in our documentation at the link below: