For the SFTP user and SFTP Data Path, which user ID should be utilized
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For the SFTP user and SFTP Data Path, which user ID should be utilized


Article ID: 226946


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Automic Automation Intelligence


How to configure the AAI server for your CA 7 Data Provider for AAI instance for SFTP in detail in addition to the documentation. 


Release : 6.3.0

Component : Automation Automation Intelligence




When using SFTP to transfer the CA 7 data to the AAI Server the following is needed:

Mainframe User ID (ex. XX#AAI) requires read/write access to the mainframe SFTP Data Path in USS (e.x. /dev/AI/CA71/AAI). This is because the SFTP transfer process requires the data file being transferred from the mainframe to be located in a USS directory. The mainframe STC therefore copies the z/OS dataset containing the CA 7 data being transferred into the USS directory location prior to initiating the SFTP transfer.

Server User ID (e.x. userabc) requires read/write access to the Server directory on AAI server (e.x. /apps/JAWS/CA7)The mainframe User ID XX#AAI requires a public/private authentication key to be created in the .ssh sub-directory of the installation directory of the mainframe STC.
The public part of the key must be copied into the authorized_keys file in the .ssh sub-directory of the server User ID userabc $HOME directory on the AAI Server.  This allows the mainframe User ID XX#AAI to be authenticated to the AAI Server, acting as the User ID userabc.
The mainframe STC, running under User ID XX#AAI and authenticated to the AAI Server as User ID userabc, initiates the SFTP transfer and downloads the data file from the STFP directory in USS to the target directory on the AAI Server

NOTE:  The SFTP Data Path location in USS must have sufficient zFS/HFS space to store the largest of the CA 7 data files, which is generally either the LDSN or LJOB Definition Data file output, together with an Event (RPT70) Data file.  As the Definition Data files are created and delivered asynchronously to the Event Data file creation and delivery, there may be times when both a Definition Data file and an Event Data file are stored in the USS directory at the same time whilst both are being downloaded to the AAI server.