Datacom DBUTLTY DEFRAG job fails with RC 13(011)
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Datacom DBUTLTY DEFRAG job fails with RC 13(011)


Article ID: 226911


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Datacom Datacom/AD Datacom/DB


Running a DBUTLTY DEFRAG command with a Version 15.1 STEPLIB against a MUF with a Version 15.0 STEPLIB produces an error:

                    DB10045E - ABNORMAL TERMINATION DUE TO ERROR(S)     

However, running the job with a 15.0 STEPLIB works as expected. Is there a problem in Version 15.1? 







Release : 15.1

Release : 15.0

Component : CA Datacom/AD

Component : CA Datacom/DB


For the DEFRAG processing, Version15.1 contains a new internal command that is not supported by a Version 15.0 MUF.


Running DBUTLTY Version 15.1 with functions that run in a Version 15.0 MUF will work in most cases,but not all. In this job, the DEFRAG command fails because 15.1 contains a new internal command that is not supported in 15.0. DEFRAG generates this new command before sending it to the active MUF where the command is executed. When the MUF is on 15.0, this command is not understood and causes the 13(011) error. In the opposite version scenario, where DBUTLTY runs with a 15.0 loadlib and the MUF on 15.1, this process will work, because DBUTLTY will generate the old command and the 15.1 MUF still understands that command.

In cases like this, and especially where the Datacom/DB code base for Version 15.0 has reached EOS, we do not intend to develop support for this command. The DEFRAG should always use a 15.0 loadlib or otherwise be executed with a 15.1 loadlib only when it runs against a 15.1 MUF. 

Therefore, your options are to run DEFRAG with a Version 15.0 loadlib against a MUF running 15.0 or 15.1, or to upgrade the MUF to Version 15.1, where you can run DEFRAG with either loadlib.

Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.