How to find the total number of jobs loaded in Jobtrac for a particular day
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How to find the total number of jobs loaded in Jobtrac for a particular day


Article ID: 226892


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Could you please help us to count number of jobs loaded or completed in Jobtrac ?  We have run the Jobcount JCL but  are not sure which one will be the exact count for the particular date.  We need to know how to find total number of jobs loaded in Jobtrac for particular day.



Release : 11.0

Component : JOBTRAC


To find the total number of jobs loaded in Jobtrac for a particular day, run the GJTREZJS report for the desired scheduled date(s) using
the filters specified below:

 DEFINE EVT1-F-OSDFDAT  EVT1-FILTERS  +29  10 A VALUE '          '   
 DEFINE EVT1-F-OSDTDAT  EVT1-FILTERS  +39  10 A VALUE '          '   

The values provided for the above filters should specify the original Schedule Date from and through ranges that should be included in the
report.  Once the report runs, view the ACTIVE RECORDS SELECTED plus the ARCHIVED RECORDS SELECTED to get the total jobs for the timeframe that was specified for the report. 

As always, please contact Broadcom Support for Jobtrac Job Management if you have further questions.