When running WCC installer R 12.0.1, receiving below
[CAUAJM_E_113020] The dependent component(s) of the installed AutoSys
components is missing:
"Web UI (WCC) : SDK"
PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING (Quit Installation): screenshot for reference
Release : 12.0. 1
environment: Linux
environment issues
Apply the below resolution to resolve the error.
1. Remove and then re- Install the JRE
2. Identify the list of RPMs installed during the earlier install or upgrade.
Change your present working directory to $CASHCOMP/installer/administration/admi/CAWorkloadAutomationAE/11.3.* and run the following command to get the list of RPMs installed during installation.
Kindly check the below documentation link for more details.
Screenshot for reference while running RPM
3. Now run the WCC installer again and it will go through successfully.