When attempting to use custom certificates for EEM's 5250 port (https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?articleId=18977), the configtool generates an error
ConfigTool -munge -version -comp igateway -conf igateway.conf -tag "TransportReceiver=HTTP;Connector=defaultport;certPW;" -passwd <password for keystore>
Operation Failed!!
Error Message:Failed to parse conf file.
iGateway.conf file might have a missing tag name/value pairs, example:
In the above, a syntax mistake with the <keyURI> it is missing correct end of the tag, </keyURI>
Fix the wrong tags, to look like this and it repeat the configTool again and it should now finish successfully.
ConfigTool -munge -version -comp igateway -conf igateway.conf -tag "TransportReceiver=HTTP;Connector=defaultport;certPW;" -passwd <password for keystore>
If the keystore has the certificate in an alias called tomcat, the keyURI should be tomcat and keyPW would be the password for that alias (normally key password is same as keytore's password)
ConfigTool -munge -version -comp igateway -conf igateway.conf -tag "TransportReceiver=HTTP;Connector=defaultport;keyPW;" -passwd <password for alias listed in keyURI>