Using a location other than the default location 000 for ADR
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Using a location other than the default location 000 for ADR


Article ID: 226803


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I'm setting up a trigger in ADR for my client and they want a specific job run when one of two files is closed. The job though is not in the default location 000.  Is it possible to a specify location other than the default location 000?  


Release : 11.0

Component : JOBTRAC


ADR only works from default location 000.  There is not a way to specify a LOC on an ADR entry for another location.  A  workaround  would be to concatenate in LOC000 the desired TRACJnnn after the default TRACJ000.  When doing this  there should not be an event name by the same name in the default location.

Another alternative is to have ADR definition set to ADD or RUN  a schedule instead of a job. In the SCL you can schedule the job from any location.


As always, please contact Broadcom support for Jobtrac Job Management if you have further questions.