No detection on Mac agent after upgrading to 15.7 or 15.8
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No detection on Mac agent after upgrading to 15.7 or 15.8


Article ID: 226635


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Endpoint Prevent


After upgrading infrastructure and mac agents to 15.8+ no detection works on mac agent despite all components loading successfully. 


Agent logs show the following errors:
WARNING | Configuration.ApplicationSettingsHandler | Failed to insert in Application table. Exception: 65536
WARNING | Configuration.ApplicationSettingsHandler | Unexpected error: rolling back application setting changes to db


The 15.7 and later migration process introduces new constraints on the agent application table both in the oracle database and in the agent databases.   The new constraints prevent duplicate entries of 'binaryname', 'internalname' or 'originalfilename'. While you would not be able to create new applications that duplicate existing applications with identical terms in these fields, existing duplicates will be migrated and cause the relevant data to fail to persist to the agent database.  


Identify and delete any duplicate applications that contain the same data for any of the following entries:

After this is done, restart the affected agent(s) 

The following SQL query will identify any duplicate enteries when ran agaist the oracle database as the protect user:

select internalname,binaryname,originalfilename from application
group by internalname,binaryname,originalfilename 
having count(internalname) >1 or count(binaryname)> 1 or count(originalfilename)>1;