Executing Post Install step PRA#LOAD for Recovery Analyser the following RACF error occurs
IRR421I ACEE modification detected for user user-id in address space ID addrspace-ID running under user addrsp-user-id and job name jobname while program PTLDRIVM is running. The RACF
function detecting the modification is IRRRCK00.
Rsn=0x40000000. (ACEEPRIV is ON). Occurrences 1.
Resource=vcat.DSNDBC.PTDB.PTITSRA5.I0001.A001(DATASET). Call chain: PTLDRIVM
IRR421I ACEE modification detected for user user-id in address space ID addrspace-ID running under user addrsp-user-id and job name jobname while program FLLRM1NP is running. The RACF
function detecting the modification is IRRRCK00.
Rsn=0x40000000. (ACEEPRIV is ON). Occurrences 1.
Resource=vcat.DSNDBC.PTDB.PTITSRA5.I0001.A001(DATASET). Call chain: FLLRM1NP <- PTLDRIVM
IRR421I ACEE modification detected for user user-id in address space ID addrspace-ID running under user addrsp-user-id and job name jobname while program UTLGLRI2 is running. The RACF
function detecting the modification is IRRRCK00.
Rsn=0x40000000. (ACEEPRIV is ON). Occurrences 1.
Resource=vcat.DSNDBC.PTDB.URAR1TJ7.I0001.A001(DATASET). Call chain: UTLGLRI2 <- PTLDRIVM
Release : 20.0
Component : CA Recovery Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS
The ACEE protection is not activated by default in RACF. The messages indicate that it has been enabled in RACF ACEE with SETROPTS CLASSACT(ACEECHK).
Add the programs to the exception list in the ACEECHK class to suppress IRR421I.