Our current DefaultAdminID will be deleted next month. Will this cause any issues with the Web Viewer?
If we need to change the main System Admin can it be done with the web viewer active?
# Web Viewer r12 Administration
ADMINISTRATION.DefaultAdminID=<userid> <=========
Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
The ADMINISTRATION.DefaultAdminID is the mainframe id of the first person to log into Web Viewer after the new install. They become the first System Admin.
You can edit the WVprofile.properties file while Web Viewer is active, but the new setting will not be picked up until a recycle. The WVprofile.properties file is in the config subdirectory under your install path.
You may also run the configtool to change it.
However, since Web Viewer is not actively using that ID that should not be a problem.
Just make sure that you have several Sysadmins defined once you get access so as not to get locked out of the Administration tab.
NOTE: For the USS and z/Linux platforms, please note that the WVprofile.properties is an ASCII file.