LDWH ERROR: no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification
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LDWH ERROR: no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification


Article ID: 226370


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Clarity PPM SaaS


Incremental Load Data Warehouse fails with the following error:

ERROR 2021-10-18 04:28:16,049 [dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts_pg UUID: b130ee4b-6dd8-4363-ace8-7286ea87ec5d] dwh.event Fin Transactions? -
An error occurred executing this job entry : Couldn't execute SQL: CALL DWH_X_PLAN_ACT_PER_FACTS_LOAD(P_LAST_LOAD_DATE => to_timestamp('2021/10/14 23:00:08', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:mi:ss')::timestamp, P_CURRENT_DIM_LOAD_DATE => to_date('2021/10/18 04:20:23', 'yyyy/mm/dd HH24:MI:SS')::timestamp);

ERROR: ENCOUNTERED EXCEPTION WHILE MERGING INTO DWH_X_PLAN_ACT_PER_FACTS. there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification Where: PL/pgSQL function dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts_load(timestamp without time zone,timestamp without time zone) line 70 at RAISEINFO

2021-10-18 04:28:16,078 [Thread-471045] dwh.event null - Job execution finished
ERROR 2021-10-18 04:28:16,092 [Dispatch Load Data Warehouse : bg@%host%(tenant=clarity)] dwh.event ETL Job Failed. Log details below:
2021/10/18 04:28:12 - audit table name - & DWH_CFG_AUDIT2021/10/18 04:28:12 - audit table name - & DWH_CFG_AUDIT
2021/10/18 04:28:13 - audit table name - & DWH_CFG_AUDIT

2021/10/18 04:28:13 - audit table name - & DWH_CFG_AUDIT

2021/10/18 04:28:13 - audit table name - & DWH_CFG_AUDIT

2021/10/18 04:28:14 - audit table name - & DWH_CFG_AUDIT

2021/10/18 04:28:14 - audit table name - & DWH_CFG_AUDIT

2021/10/18 04:28:16 - Fin Transactions? - ERROR (version 5.0.2, build 1 from 2013-12-04_15-52-25 by buildguy) : An error occurred executing this job entry : 2021/10/18 04:28:16 - Fin Transactions? - Couldn't execute SQL:
CALL DWH_X_PLAN_ACT_PER_FACTS_LOAD(P_LAST_LOAD_DATE => to_timestamp('2021/10/14 23:00:08', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH24:mi:ss')::timestamp, P_CURRENT_DIM_LOAD_DATE => to_date('2021/10/18 04:20:23', 'yyyy/mm/dd HH24:MI:SS')::timestamp);
2021/10/18 04:28:16 - Fin Transactions? - 2021/10/18 04:28:16 - Fin Transactions? -

ERROR: ENCOUNTERED EXCEPTION WHILE MERGING INTO DWH_X_PLAN_ACT_PER_FACTS. there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification2021/10/18 04:28:16 - Fin Transactions? -
Where: PL/pgSQL function dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts_load(timestamp without time zone,timestamp without time zone) line 70 at RAISEnullINFO


Release : 15.9.3, 16.0, 16.0.1

Component : Load Data Warehouse



A prior run of the Load DWH was interrupted/cancelled and indexes were removed and not added back


Work with support to identify missing indexes on the table in the error message.


Work with the DBA to have these added back, for example:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts_u3 ON dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts USING btree (plan_detail_key, plan_key, investment_key, period_key, cost_type_key, transaction_class_key, charge_code_key, department_key, input_type_code_key, location_key, user_value1_key, user_value2_key, resource_class_key, resource_key, role_key);
CREATE INDEX dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts_pk2 ON dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts USING btree (plan_key);
CREATE INDEX dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts_n1 ON dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts USING btree (investment_key, plan_detail_key, period_key);
CREATE INDEX dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts_n2 ON dwh_x_plan_act_per_facts USING btree (dw_updated_date);


Re-run the Load DWH



Additional Information

A Full Load should also resolve this issue.