Sometime customer use TSO option 3.13 (SuperCE) to compare load modules in PDSE libraries and get unexpected differences which can be seen below:
** TMS00SVC 70891 70727
** G8UTY 16175 16127
Release : All
Component : CA 1
SuperC/SuperCE options should not be used to compare load modules.
One of the following methods should be used instead
In the ISPF option 3.13 HELP (PF1) option 20.5, it is reported the following explanation:
Comparing Load Modules
SuperC compare of load module data might show unexpected differences. This
is because SuperC compares all the data in the load module as it is found on
DASD, and does not attempt to decode which portions are executable, and which
might contain uninitialised storage.
The complex data format on DASD is dependent on the load module data set
block size, and defined storage definitions which are controlled by the
linkage editor. The size stored by the linkage editor in the PDS directory
may differ from the DASD data byte count reported by SuperC and Browse
depending on the characteristics of the load module.
If load modules are exact copies of each other, SuperC should find no
differences. If load modules have been link-edited from the same object but
with different block-sizes, SuperC will probably report they are different.
Because of the relative DASD addresses (TTRs) in load modules, the
recommended procedure for comparing load modules which have not been
re-blocked is to use the AMBLIST utility with LISTLOAD OUTPUT=MODLIST against
both load modules, then use SuperC to compare the two AMBLIST outputs. There
is no easy way to compare load modules with different internal record sizes
such as occurs when COPYMOD or LINKEDIT processes them.
Option 3.13
11 Format Format definition for formatted data Edit/Browse
12 SuperC Compare data sets (Standard Dialog)
13 SuperCE Compare data sets Extended (Extended Dialog)
14 Search-For Search data sets for strings of data (Standard Dialog)