Successfully installed the CU2 patch.
But several error messages ( in log file (catalina.*).
These exception occurred only on the UI server, and the services have been restarted.
The error message:
WARNING [WrapperStartStopAppMain] org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanner.processURLs Failed to scan [file:/E:/CA/SOI/SamUI/lib/activation.jar] from classloader hierarchy E:\CA\SOI\SamUI\lib\activation.jar (The system cannot find the file specified)
WARNING [WrapperStartStopAppMain] org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanner.processURLs Failed to scan [file:/E:/CA/SOI/jre-64/lib/tools.jar] from classloader hierarchy E:\CA\SOI\jre-64\lib\tools.jar (The system cannot find the file specified)
These files are not present in the stated locations.
Before the patch, this exception was not in in the log file.
Is this error message a real error or just a false warning!
Release : 4.2
Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager
The reported behaviour appears because of the Tomcat upgrade to version 9.0.45 in CU2, as well as one redundant entry of tools.jar into configuration file.
This is not causing any issue just a warning messages into the logs. Below are the details analysis for the same.
Around Tomcat 8.0.38, it started to scan additional classpath entries from the MANIFEST.MF of the jars.
If any of these cannot be found, a warning and stack trace is added to the Tomcat standard out log. The remedy is to turn off scanning the MANIFEST.MF inside all JAR files.
Other than this, we found one redundant entry of tools.jar into SOI UI and Manager configuration files, which also needs to be commented/removed.
Steps to stop error
Below are the steps to be followed.
1.) Stop all the SOI Services
2.) For UI,
a.) Go to <SOI_HOME>\SamUI\conf\ and edit context.xml
b.) Add <JarScanner scanManifest="false"/> entry within <Context> tag and save it.
c.) Go to <SOI_HOME>\jsw\conf\ and edit soi-user-interface.conf
d.) Comment(by adding #) or remove below entry
3.) For Manager,
a.) Go to <SOI_HOME>\tomcat\conf\context.xml and edit context.xml
b.) Add <JarScanner scanManifest="false"/> entry within <Context> tag and save it.
c.) Go to <SOI_HOME>\jsw\conf\ and edit soi-manager.conf
d.) Comment(by adding #) or remove below entry
4.) Now Start all the SOI Services in the recommended order.