When using SSH private/public key authentication, is ACF2 logonid SUSPEND or PSWD-EXP checked?
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When using SSH private/public key authentication, is ACF2 logonid SUSPEND or PSWD-EXP checked?


Article ID: 226259


Updated On:


ACF2 - z/OS


When using SSH on z/OS (server) with private/public key authentication rather than a USER/PW, what happens if the userid's PW expires or one cannot use it with a PW due to too many invalid PWs?  Will it still work with SSH and private/public key authentication?



Release : 16.0

Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS


If using a certificate rather than logonid/password the initACEE processing for signon with a certificate will check the logonid SUSPEND bit but not the PSWD-EXP, PSWD-VIO or PSWD-INV fields.