Accessing consoles at multiple AP servers via new Console Management
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Accessing consoles at multiple AP servers via new Console Management


Article ID: 226234


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Automation Point


The new Console Manager function in Automation Point (AP), delivered by release 11.7 SP0, is  only showing consoles of the AP server it's connected to.
However it can be accessing consoles of multiple Automation Point servers. Here a description how this is done.


It's possible via the AP Configuration Manager and selecting the ‘Alert Manager Control Panel’, here the option to Monitor Multiple Servers is available..
Add the second, or next AP server to this server display and the additional AP server are listed under the Console Management part of the web browser screen..

There is also the option to add another AP Server to the Console Management view in the new web interface, by using the Web Services AP Configuration screen.
Add it under the 'Trusted Origins for CORS' field:

Additional Information

See for additional information on the new Console Manager option in AP the manual: