Procedure to split the SCDS environment into two separate SCDS
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Procedure to split the SCDS environment into two separate SCDS


Article ID: 226180


Updated On:


JARS SMF Director


Under some circumstances, it may be necessary to split the SCDS environment into two separate SCDS. 
One example of this might be where a configuration is using systems and logstreams and seemed to have hit the limit on
overall configurations that the product has.  When trying to compile a new addition to the SCDS, the following
internal logic error was returned.


The logic error indicates that you are trying to compile the new SID with all those logstreams,  and there's no room
in the internal tables in memory when the product is running.   



Release : 12.7

Component : CA SMF Director


What you'll be doing when splitting the SCDS starts with a RESTORE of the current SCDS into the new SCDS, so all of the history index
records and information will travel along to the new SCDS.  You won't lose any information from the original SCDS. 

1) Take a BACKUP of the SCDS to be split
2) Allocate the second SCDS and RESTORE the BACKUP to that SCDS
3) Use the DELETE control statement to remove the SIDs from each SCDS that will not be part of that SCDS. 

As an example, suppose I want to split up a SCDS with five systems, SYSA through SYSE.  I want to make it so SYSA and SYSB
are in the original SCDS, and SYSC through SYSE are in the new SCDS.  Here's what I need to do:

1) Back up the original SCDS to be split up.
2) Allocate a second SCDS and restore the BACKUP to the second SCDS.  You'll need to take a BACKUP of this SCDS once it is
restored since DELETE requires an immediate BACKUP before use (safety first!)
3) Use DELETE to remove SIDs SYSC, SYSD and SYSE from the original SCDS
4) Use DELETE to remove SYSA and SYSB from the new SCDS
5) Once done, while it's not required, I'd make a back up of the two new SCDS. 

You can certainly run tests of this by making a copy of your current SCDS, restoring it to two separate SCDS and then use the DELETE
command to clear out the unwanted systems from the SCDS.