Check Policy Server IP Address or FQDN - login failed in ERP Agent
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Check Policy Server IP Address or FQDN - login failed in ERP Agent


Article ID: 226143


Updated On:


CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER


When running an ERP Agent on SAP, the Agent cannot handle requests and report errors:

  #2.#2021 09 20 12:26:32:750#+0200#Error
  #Thread[HTTP Worker [@2047131059],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]#Plain##
  Return code from doManagement() is false#

  #2.#2021 09 20 12:26:32:752#+0200#Error
  #Thread[HTTP Worker [@2047131059],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]#Plain##
  Check Policy Server IP Address or FQDN#

  #2.#2021 09 20 12:26:32:754#+0200#Error
  #Thread[HTTP Worker [@2047131059],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]#Plain##
  Agent not connected#

  #2.#2021 09 20 12:26:32:756#+0200
  #Thread[HTTP Worker [@2047131059],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]#Plain##
  login failed. Returning false#




  - ERP Agent 12.51 on SAP 7.50 on RedHat 7;

     smwebas.home = /myapp/siteminder/webagent/sapwebas/conf/

  - Policy Server 12.8SP4 on RedHat 7;
      JDK jdk8u265-b01;



No Policy Server trace can be found from the network traces, which means that the ERP Agent doesn't try to reach the Policy Server.

The SAP server reported a problem with accessing and executing code from the CAPKIHOME.


  stdout/stderr redirection
  node name : <server> host name : system name : <servername>
  nr.  : 30 started at : Fri Oct 1 10:21:05 2021

  Please check atleast one of the following conditions are met.

  *) Set CAPKIHOME environment variable.

  *) Pass valid second parameter to etpki_lib_init function. Ex: if the second parameter is
     /a/b/c/[lib]cryptocme2.[dll][so][sl], it is assumed that /a/b/c has
     all the required CAPKI shared libraries

This is a known issue on regular Web Agent when there's a lack of configuration (1).




  • Remove the JVM parameter:


  • Set the CAPKIHOME variable in <servername>:
    SETENV_XX = CAPKIHOME=/{home_agent_sap}/sapwebas/CAPKI

Additional Information


  1. Error: Set CAPKIHOME environment variable on Web Agent Apache