How to map unknown traps:
Unknown alert received from device XXXXXX of type GnSNMPDev. Device Time 31+21:43:34. (Trap type 1.0.8802.
Trap var bind data:
OID: Value: 275661472
OID: Value: 1.0.8802.
OID: 1.0.8802. Value: 0
OID: 1.0.8802. Value: 0
OID: 1.0.8802. Value: 0
OID: 1.0.8802. Value: 1
Release : Any Spectrum version
Component : Spectrum Alarm & Event Management
1) Create or add the following entries in the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/AlertMap file:
1.0.8802. 0xfff00004 1.0.8802.,0)\
1.0.8802. 0xfff00004 1.0.8802.,0)\
2) Create or add the following entry in the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/EventDisp file:
0xfff00004 E 0
3) Update the SpectroSERVER with the current alert and event mappings by clicking on the "Update Event Configuration" button under the SpectroSERVER Control subview of the VNM model.
4) Type the Event Message for the custom event code mapped for the trap.
5) This is the result of mapping the unknown trap and configuring the Event Message:
Spectrum displays the unknown SNMPv2 alert as Trap type: 1.0.8802.
1.0.8802. Enterprise OID indicating in this case an LLDP-MIB
6: The Generic Trap Identifier, in this case, the 6 indicates an enterprise-specific trap.
1: Specific Trap Code indicating the specific enterprise trap.