After migration to 4.x from 3.x, the license indicator on the WebUI should be turned amber. This is expected. It is written in Release Note.
SSL Visibility 4.x requires a new 4.x license; an existing 3.x license is not valid to run version 4.x.
If the appliance is not licensed, or if there is an issue with the license, the Status area at the top of the WebUI will indicate it.
There are four types of license installation written in RN.
1. On the Upload File tab, click Browse to browse to the file location.
2. On the Paste Text tab, paste in the previously copied license text.
3. On the License from URL tab, supply the URL to download the file from a web server.
4. On the BTO Install tab, install the license directly from the portal.
Which one is we should try first ?
Right after migration to 4.x from 3.x.
We offer #4 first.
4. On the BTO Install tab, install the license directly from the portal.