UIM - Unexpected values observed for three month period Availability Report in CABI
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UIM - Unexpected values observed for three month period Availability Report in CABI


Article ID: 226112


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The devices availability report for 3 month from CABI jaspersoft shows availability values as below

Looking at the power state metric from Operator console (OC) always it is up as below

But checking report for one month in CABI shows normal values which is 100%.



Release : 20.3.x

Component : UIM - CABI


  • This is as per design and expected as CABI picks up the data to display only from the raw tables i.e. RN_QOS tables and availability percentage gets averaged out based on the time period selected
  • In current use case raw tables do not have the data for the whole duration due to lower raw data retention period as seen in data_engine
  • Therefore percentage is getting reduced i.e. below 100 whereas in OC it uses all the history tables to show the data.