As a part of the Gen 8.5 to Gen 8.6 migration/file packaging process, below are a few queries about the Client Manager INI/SRV/LOG file paths
Release: 8.6
Component: CA Gen Client Manager
For the file location customization without using the CM UI.
The desktop icon created for the CM for 8.5 and 8.6 has the following properties for starting the CM:
8.5: Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen85\Gen\VS100\IEFCM85N.EXE" iefcm startup /initfile=iefcmn.ini
8.6: Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen\IEFCMN.EXE" iefcm startup /initfile=iefcmn.ini
Starting either CM for the first time the iefcmn.ini file does not exist and below message is seen:
"Cannot open Client Manager .ini initialization file. Do you wish to configure Client Manager at this time?"
Then by default the CM "File - Setup" configures iefcmn.ini and IEFCMN.SRV in directory "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\CA\Gen x.x\cfg\cm" and IEFCMN.LOG file in directory "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\CA\Gen x.x\logs\cm"
Refer Configuring Client Manager
Configuration files will be located in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\CA\Gen x.x\cfg\cm
The iefcmn.ini file has the details of the full path to the .srv & .log files e.g. for 8.6 and User Administrator:
LOGFILE = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\CA\Gen 8.6\logs\cm\IEFCMN.LOG
SRVRS = C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\CA\Gen 8.6\cfg\cm\IEFCMN.SRV
To use a custom directory e.g. C:\cm_files, the iefcmn.ini and IEFCMN.SRV can be copied into that custom directory and iefcmn.ini changed as follows:
SRVRS = C:\cm_files\IEFCMN.SRV
(Note: The .ini and .SRV are the important configuration files. There is no need to copy any IEFCMN.LOG into that directory because it is a file that is created on the fly when the CM is used)
Then the CM should be started with a full path used for the iefcmn.ini location in C:\cm_files i.e.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen\IEFCMN.EXE" iefcm startup /initfile=C:\cm_files\iefcmn.ini
To know more about client Manager INI/SRV files refer to the article CA GEN Client Manager INI/SRV file path