Duplicate devices are being modeled that share the same IP but have different domains.
We removed the duplicates that were discovered on the wrong domain but it keeps getting discovered again.
The original (and desired) device is managed by a Secure Domain Connector (SDC). The duplicate is being created and managed directly by
the SpectroSERVER as a result of the device sending traps directly to the SS with trap based discovery enabled.
The problem seems to occur because the device(s) being managed by a Secure Domain Connector are
sending traps directly to the SpectroSERVER which triggers trap based discovery.
One of the SDC features is to handle IP Overlap where one might be managing devices on different
networks with overlapping ips. The secure domain allows for distinction.
Ideal Solution: The device should be sending its traps only to the SDC.
Workaround: The 'IP Exclusion List' on the VNM ~~> AutoDiscovery Control ~~> Modeling and Protocol Options
can be populated with IP's to prevent the SS from discovering them